This term our PE days are Monday and Friday. Spellings will be set and tested. Homework will be set on Thursdays.
Welcome to Kestrel Class
With Miss Parkash, Mrs Caunt and Mrs Bieniek
We hope you had a lovely break and are looking forward to a busy Autumn Term.
This term our Quest will be: Hard Rock! A journey to the Stone-Age to explore life and the world during the Stone-Age period.
Our PE days will be Monday and Friday. However there could be additional slots or changes to the timetable, and parents will be notified of any changes. This year, children are to wear their PE kit into school on PE days. If your child has their ears pierced they will need to take their earrings out themselves or not wear them on PE days.
Meet the teacher
Thank you for coming to the 'meet the teacher' session. Here is the PowerPoint if you were unable to attend. Please come and see me if there are any problems.
The children will be given spellings once a week and 1 piece of maths homework on MyMaths every week . English assignments will be set and handed in via Teams, usually on a Thursday. Please let us know if you would prefer a paper copy.
The children will also have weekly spelling tests. The children will go through the spellings in class on either Monday or Friday ready to be tested the following week. The spelling lists will be available on MyMaths and the children will need to practice them at home.
Attached below is the spelling MTP we follow in year 3.
Reading at home
The children should be reading at home everyday to practise their decoding skills and comprehension.
We will also be visiting the school library once a week, where the children can choose a book as long as they remember to return their previous book. Kestrels library day is a Friday .
Please record the children's reading of school books in the reading diaries. The diaries will be collected in on Fridays and Mrs Hayden will count up how many times the children have read. To encourage the children to read at home there are prizes available.
To see the methods we use in maths, please see the calculation policy below.
Name | |
Year 3 calculation policy.docx | Download |
Each week the children will take part in a times table test called The 99 Club to improve quick recall of multiplication and division facts. They have 8 minutes to complete a set of questions which get progressively trickier with each club. The children will need to regularly practice their times tables at home to help them learn them fluently. We will let you know via Marvellous Me when the children have completed a club.
As part of Club 99, the children have to complete different sections of a times table grid.
Birthday book wish list
As an alternative to sweets or cake, the children are welcome to bring in a book for their class to celebrate their birthday. Here are some suggestions.