Oak academy
Please follow this link to access the remote learning provided by Oak Academy:
Useful resources
Times table practice
To help your children improve their times table knowledge below are some games they can play online.
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/ - Daily maths lessons, video and questions
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob4tkfOSXy6yav9Y54SKIQ - Videos on many different aspects of maths
Reading- We will be reading The Hodgeheg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htPjCiZxoZ4 Part 1 of the book
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2epukcKBpDc Part 2 of the book
Keep reading stories with your children and enjoy as many books as you can. We understand though that sometimes it's nice for the children to listen to audio stories for those moments when you also have a lot to do or just need a break. Currently Audible have a selection of free books for children to listen too or World Book day have a selection of videos where stories are read.
You can also access some books from the Oxford Owl. It is free to sign up to.
Top marks is a great website with some fun maths games, that help to practise those skills the children need in KS2. Including times tables, ordering, sequencing, + and -, money and shape, telling the time
If you enjoy History, try the Children’s University of Manchester website and go on the Ancient Egyptians activities.
Oak academy
Please follow this link to access the remote learning provided by Oak Academy: